Sunday, January 12, 2020

War Brings Peace

First M . Last Name Professor ‘s Name Class and Number 7 February 2007 Can War Bring Peace ? War is considered as a particular branch of a specific philosophy , with Carl von Clausewitz being considered as the â€Å"only philosopher of war ‘stated in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . It also says that it refers to , â€Å"a phenomenon which occurs only between political communities ‘ or â€Å"certain political pressure groups , like terrorist organizations , might also be considered `political communities ‘ in that they are associations of people with a political purpose (Stanford ,War , 2005 . On the other hand , peace is the pursuit of justice with opposite methods of human diversity and who seek peace are more or less responsible for social changes in visionary ways , while the proponents of war are considered to be narrow minded with one thing in mind – to win something they want , using whatever methods they need to accomplish this . Rel igion has been blamed as the cause of many wars , yet they considered themselves to be an advocacy for non-violence . A source of conflict ,religion is also a philosophy and practitioner of peace . Contradictory in itself , this explains the conflicting views bringing war into existence . Not all wars are caused by opposing religious views , but the majority of them are . Jenny Teichman wrote in The Philosophy of War and Peace that â€Å"Aggressive wars have often been waged for religious reasons and still are today (Teichman , 2002 , pg . 2 . According to Alexander Mosley in Philosophy of War , â€Å"man cannot stop war – it is his nature to wage war ‘ which backs my theory that war is the product of man ‘s ideas and hence is a product of choice . We fight for peace through war , and war continues on until peace comes into being–these are contradictory statements . Peace found through war is not peace , only a win-win situation , or a give-in situation at the cost of lives , money , and and power win â€Å"Man chooses war , and by this is meant that each individual participant chooses war (or has to choose differently , if war is thrust upon him through invasion or conscription ‘Mosley also states that , â€Å"The individual is a volitional being , whose cognition is free to use and direct and in group activity such as a battle , each individual must contribute his thought and effort — even if only accepting the orders of others (Mosley , pg . 39 . Does this refer to the desire for peace – hardly . It refers to the fact many are at war through the desires of others for ulterior gain that has nothing to do with achieving peace . There is nothing wrong with different views – they are only different ,with each individual thinking their viewpoint is the correct one -unfortunately , many feel their way is correct for abs olutely everyone with everyone else wrong or evil . To sum it up , how each one goes about getting their way is what sets the scene for war or peace : one may peacefully go about it with diplomatic and peaceful ways , such as†¦

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