Thursday, August 27, 2020
Once upon a time Essay Example for Free
Sometime in the distant past Essay These mechanical flying creatures are books, with numerous wings, which means pages. The body screeching without torment is giggling and the eyes dissolving are the perusers tears. Model T is a stay with the lock inside A key is gone to free the world For development, so snappy there is a film To look for anything missed. These seventh and eighth refrains are discussing a vehicle. This is basic as Raine alludes to Model T, a notable vehicle. Raine says it is a room since you go within the vehicle and you are away from the outside world. You need a key to kill the vehicle on and to bolt the vehicle. As you read on, you can see a portion of the artists impacts for his composition. Raine is taking an interest in an extremely old lovely antiquated convention. On the off chance that you take a gander at the sonnet as a progression of questions to be deciphered by the peruser, at that point that takes us back hundreds of years to the enigma sonnets in Anglo Saxon writing. In verses 10-13, the accompanying lines are-In homes, a spooky device rests, That wheezes when you get it. In the event that the apparition cries, they convey it To their lips and calm it to lay down with sounds. But then they wake it up purposely, by stimulating it with a finger. This is a reference to a telephone, a spooky device. On the off chance that it cries-rings, we get it to our lips and mitigate it to lay down with sounds, which means we talk into it. In the event that we stimulate it with a finger, we dial into it. The accompanying lines have conceivably the most odd depictions of the entire sonnet Only the youthful are permitted to endure Openly. Grown-ups go to a discipline stay With water yet nothing to eat. They lock the entryway and endure the commotions Alone. Nobody is excluded And everyones torment has an alternate smell. These are most likely the hardest verses in the sonnet, however with some hard reasoning, the lines all bode well A discipline stay with simply water is a restroom. When Raine composes, just the youthful are permitted to endure straightforwardly he is discussing a child getting their nappies changed in the open. However, us grown-ups need to go to the restroom and endure our agony alone. Raine has composed three remarkable verses, no one truly ponders their own or different people groups day by day utilization of the latrine. It is commonly implicit about and could nearly be viewed as a no-no subject, not to be brought up out in the open. The keep going two refrains end on a serene note around evening time when all the hues pass on, They stow away two by two And read about themselves In shading, with their eyelids shut. This is a typical entire day found in the Martians eyes. It has now reached a conclusion, finding out about yourself in shading with your eyes shut, is clearly comprehended as dreaming. These two sonnets both offer one critical subject which joins them together by and large, however it is essential to state first the similitudes and contrasts between every people work. Gabriel Okara appears to feel firmly about the possibility of such erroneousness in our quirks and methods of talking in ordinary western life, as it isn't care for the cordial spot his country was. Gabriel Okara is by all accounts talking from his own psyche, about how he feels about this condition. Craig Raine has been brought up in England, and doesnt talk about an unusual westernized nation like Gabriel Okara, however about existence on this planet all in all. Craig Raine doesn't appear to be irritated at our regular traditions (or on the off chance that he will be, he conceals it in his wording well overall), simply humored at how people by and large structure their lives. With Gabriel Okaras style of composing, there are no puzzles to disclose and his sonnet is organized distinctively as opposed to Craig Raines. Okara essentially begins with Once upon a period, child, which is sufficiently direct, instead of Caxtons are mechanical flying creatures with wings, which can bewilder most perusers. Gabriel Okara is very dim about the virus place he has come to, not under any condition like his local Nigeria. He positively didn't mean to humor the perusers. I believe that Raine composed this sonnet to give his psyche a rest from this present reality. Maybe he composed it for delight and silliness. I figure this would be a charming kind of sonnet to compose. Raine needed his perusers to be humored, to see life through someone elses eyes, who has never observed life on Earth. Additionally, the Martian appears to be simply muddled by human life and our ordinary ceremonies. Strangely, the Martian never talks about what life on his planet resembled, not at all like Gabriel Okara whom depicts the glow he used to understanding previously. Be that as it may, regardless of these numerous distinctions, the artists meet up on one critical subject. It is, the manner in which we end our lives for conceded while others, accidentally meander around feeling confounded at all the social and physical complexities of the unusual and outsider world around them. The artists both expound on discrete characters remarking on their involvement with somewhere else, and not feeling calm with it as different individuals from the populace may be. The facts confirm that one sonnet is very dim and the other is cheerful, the verses and couplets are diversely positioned, the wording is distinctive and so forth, however by and large, the characters being referred to are both inclination strange and befuddled pretty much all the normal perplexities. They remark on life on this Earth we experience each day and underestimate. We scarcely notice how a vehicle may sound to an untouchable or how It was pleasant having you here today with us could hurt a visitor or customer who knows you didnt mean what you said. We are on the whole so familiar with our lives; we don't have a favorable opinion of how it might appear to any other person who has never been in that condition of condition.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Implement part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Actualize part - Essay Example It is appropriate to specify here that the planned date of the instructional class is sixth December 2012, from 0900 hours to 1700 hours at Delta Airline’s Auditorium. Besides, during the preparation hours, the representatives would not play out their every day office routine work. In this way, they have to deal with their office work planned on the preparation day prior or after the preparation, according to the prerequisite of the work. You are mentioned to visit the News segment of the inner entrance of the Delta Airline to buy in to get course material well before the preparation time. The instructional class is obligatory to go to by all the chose workers, in this way, make it advantageous to go to the instructional class. There are three pieces of the configuration; in the initial segment the mentor would be given the student profile (given above at Appendix †I) and rundown investigation. In the subsequent part, the originator of the course would give the important course substance (given at Appendix †II) to the coach. Besides, as of now, the job of the coach would be an understudy. In the third part, the architect would give the instructional materials to the mentor by â€Å"walk-through-talk-through†technique. Along these lines, the coach having previously mentioned capabilities would be prepared to give preparing to the representatives of the Delta Airline. The time length of the train-the-mentor would be two (2) hours. At first, there would be a presentation for fifteen (15) minutes that would be trailed by the objectives and destinations (given in the Office Memorandum) of the preparation for twenty (20) minutes. The course material (arranged in the advancement stage) would be given to the mentor inside thirty (30) minutes that would be trailed by a casual stroll through for forty five (45) minutes. What's more, at long last, there would be an inquiry answer meeting for fifteen (15) minutes. As the members/
Friday, August 21, 2020
Evolution Essay Samples - How to Choose the Best Ones
Evolution Essay Samples - How to Choose the Best OnesIt's not enough to know that you need to study for an evolution essay sample. You need to know what the different components of the sample are. Once you have this information, it will make the process of applying to college much easier.Evolution essay samples can be divided into two categories: for-credit and off-credit. For-credit offers a large number of examples to choose from. Of course, these examples will be slightly different in content and structure. If you want to become more familiar with the samples, for-credit is a good option.Off-credit has a limited number of examples and is similar to online lesson material. It will be easier for you to get familiar with the assignments and write your own example instead of taking one from a sample book. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot write your own.Although some are only meant to be used for personal reference, others should be used for your own evolution essay sample s. The reason is that the subject matter will be slightly different in each. Therefore, your own evolution essay samples should not be as different as the others. However, they should be the same.There are a lot of reviews for different books that are available in the online world. It's up to you to know which ones are worth the money because there are some really low quality books that don't work at all. Since you're reading this on the internet, it would also be good if you can learn something from the comments.After you've picked the final evolution essay samples, it's time to choose a book. Just make sure that you pick a book that will give you a complete outline so that you can avoid confusion. A good guide should also provide you with examples in case you're looking for a certain theme or concept.As you may know, the price of the book is determined by the cover price and then an additional cover price depending on the complexity of the topics. Choose a book that you think will give you the most value. That's what you pay for.By now, you have learned how to choose the best evolution essay samples for yourself. Good luck!
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Classical Understanding Of Learning - 1068 Words
Introduction The classical understanding of learning requires an instructor and students brought together in a classroom setting. For Western Civilization, learning is achieved through the dissemination of facts and information. Yet, in many cultures the idea of learning actually takes place within the context of a relationship between a person who displays superior knowledge of a subject and the person in need of that knowledge. In times past, the relationship would be described as an apprenticeship. Thus, learning took place through developmental relationships. Therefore, mentoring pursues to recapture the power of imparting knowledge to another person through an intimate relationship that benefits the mentor, mentee, and the organization. Mentoring The primary basis of mentoring is centered around the relationship between the mentor and mentoree. Paul Stanley and Robert Clinton (1992) argue, â€Å"Mentoring is a relational process between mentor, who knows or has experienced something and transfers that something to a mentoree, at an appropriate time and manner, so that it facilitates development or empowerment†(p. 40). The basis of Stanley and Clinton’s argument is that the purpose of the mentor relationship is to impart certain knowledge and information to the mentee. In fact, mentoring is more than disseminating information from one person to another. Moreover, it focuses on the advancement of the mentee in his or her personal life and career. In addition, TimShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Learning and Cognition854 Words  | 3 PagesLearning is a very important subject in psychology. In order to fully understand how learning takes place in the mind it’s vital that one is able to com prehend the how behavior and learning goes hand in hand. Instrumental and classical conditionings are both learning styles that describe the modification of behavior. The relationships with these traits are needed in order to understand the correlation cognition and learning process. This paper will define the learning process, review the roleRead MoreClassical And Operant Conditioning Essay815 Words  | 4 PagesUsing examples of both classical and operant conditioning, discuss the contributions and limitations of learning theory for the understanding of behaviour (Schacter et al., 2nd Ed, Chapter 6, also see Chapter 1 for historical context)  Learning theory can be summarized as behaviour which shows us how animals and people respond to a stimulus. This is incredibly important due to the direct impact it has on many features of daily life and how we implement this into our practices, from the way educationRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1448 Words  | 6 PagesIvan Pavlov a Russian physiologist who lived from (1927-1960) first observed and conceived the concept of Classical conditioning. The concept of classical conditioning is widely distinguished and understood as the most basic form of cognitive learning. Even before Ivan Pavlov named the process of conditioning, his work was considered ahead of his time (Feeser, 2002, p. 24). In fact, Pavlov was presented a Nobel Prize in Physiology and Nero Medicine for his research on the digestion system of dogsRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1419 Words  | 6 PagesClassical conditioning was first observed and developed by a Russia n physiologist, Ivan Pavlov who lived from (1927-1960). The concept of classical conditioning is widely considered to be the most fundamental form of learning. Even before Ivan Pavlov named the process of conditioning, his work was considered ahead of his time (Feeser, 2002, p. 24). In fact, Pavlov was presented the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Nero Medicine for his research on the digestion system of dogs (Feeser, 2002, p. 24).Read MoreClassical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning1189 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferences and similarities between Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning? Many people believe that Classical and Operant are similar. Several people don’t know what the similarities and differences of Classical and Operant are, several people think it is the same learning method, which in this case I’m going to compare and contrast each behavior and give you information about each one, so you could have a better understanding of each method and what t hey do. Classical and Operant are very similarRead MoreLearning and Development Theories939 Words  | 4 Pages Learning and Development Theories: Learning and development theories basically focus on environmental factors that impact peoples behavior like reinforcement, modeling, and punishment. These theories have been developed by several theorists in the field of psychology who have endeavored to understand the development and behavior of human beings. The efforts of these theorists have contributed to the emergence of several theories that explain their work. Actually, there are three major learningRead MoreTheories Of Learning Behavior Theories1389 Words  | 6 Pagesover 100 theories of learning behaviour that can be applied to behaviour in the classroom. In the field of education, research has shown that teachers spend as much time engaged in classroom behaviour management as they do teaching, therefore, this shows the importance of learning behaviour theories. Firstly, what is learning? Learning can be defined as developing newly learnt skills, new knowledge and understanding concepts. We recognise learning as there is a better understanding or a change in behaviourRead MoreUnderstanding Of Different Learning Theories1092 Words  | 5 Pages SRINIDHI CHENEGARAPU RAJESHWAR UNDERSTANDING OF DIFFERENT LEARNING THEORIES AND THEIR IMPLICATION AND APPLICATION TO e-LEARNING AND ONLINE LEARNING ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to explain the understanding of different learning theories and their implication and application to e-learning and online learning. These theories are classical conditioning, behaviorist theory, information processing theory or cognitive theory and constructivist theory. The paper focuses mainly on how learnersRead MoreClassical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning1146 Words  | 5 Pagesare derived from, that is learning. â€Å"Learning is any relatively permanent change in behavior produced by an experience.†There are different kinds of ways that people and animals learn. People can adjust the way they learn to the different situations in which they are learning and what they have to learn. One form of learning is known as conditioning. Conditioning stresses the relationship between stimuli and responses. The two types of conditioning found are Classical conditioning and Operant conditioningRead MoreThe Role Of Behaviorism And Cogniti ve Development Centres On The Premise That People Learn1107 Words  | 5 PagesBehaviourism and Cognitive Constructivism are two prominent theories exploring the ways in which people learn. However, they both take rather different approaches to explain how learning occurs. The leading thinkers in Behaviourism are John Watson and B.F. Skinner and here, their considerations will be compared to and contrasted with, those of Jean Piaget, the pioneer of Cognitive Constructivism. Behaviourism is based on the creation of associations between stimuli and responses by the learner
Friday, May 15, 2020
Butterflies and Moths, Order Lepidoptera
The name Lepidoptera means â€Å"scale wings.†Take a close look at the wings of these insects and you will see overlapping scales, like shingles on a roof. The order Lepidoptera includes butterflies and moths and is the second largest group in the insect world. Description The scaly wings of Lepidopteran insects come in two pairs and are often quite colorful. To identify a specific butterfly or moth, you will usually need to look at the colors and unique markings on the wings. Insects in this group have large compound eyes. Above each compound eye is a simple eye called an ocellus. Adult Lepidoptera has mouthparts formed into a sucking tube, or proboscis, which is used to drink nectar. The larvae, commonly called caterpillars, have chewing mouthparts and are herbivorous. Butterflies and moths can be differentiated by looking at the shape of their antennae. To find out more, read Differences Between Butterflies and Moths. Habitat and Distribution Butterflies and moths live in a variety of land habitats on every continent except Antarctica. Their distribution is dependent on their food source. Habitat must provide the appropriate host plants for the caterpillars, and good nectar sources for the adults. Major Families in the Order Nymphalidae - brush-footed butterfliesPapillionidae – swallowtailsHesperiidae – skippersSaturniidae - giant silk mothsLymantriidae - tussock mothsNoctuidae - loopers, owlet moths, and underwings Species of Interest Danaus plexippus, the monarch butterfly, is the only butterfly in the world to migrate in two directions.Ornithoptera alexandrae (Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing) is the world’s largest butterfly, with a wingspan of up to 12 inches.Bombyx mori is no longer found in the wild. The Silkworm moth has been bred in captivity for thousands of years.Actias luna, the Luna moth, is one of the most beautiful and colorful moths. It is a common moth in the eastern U.S.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
African Americans African American And A Writer - 952 Words
Being African-American and a writer was rare to say back then since many people viewed African-Americans as uneducated and illiterate. Till this day many people still see African-Americans as less competent than any other person from a different race. Throughout history we’ve seen many accomplishments from African-Americans, either it being in sports or in the educational field. I’ve never doubted African-Americans on their capacity on what they can and cannot do. African-Americans have broken many barriers and stereotypes of what prejudice and racist people view them as. It’s nice to be alive knowing and seeing how currently our president, Barack Obama is an African-American who ran for presidency and won the two terms he ran for. I hope educators and leaders of this country start shifting their views on Africa-Americans and stop downgrading them because they are humans as well and they’re capable of doing anything they set their mind to. May educators mo tivate African-American students and help them achieve instead of giving up on them and not seeing their potential. Throughout this course I have learned many knowledge from African-American authors who have shown the world what they’re capable of and their creativity in their writings. Two authors who I found very interesting while reading their writings were Nat Turner and Malcolm X. The purpose of writing this paper is to compare and contrast Nat Turner and Malcolm X of what I have learned from their writings and as wellShow MoreRelated Adaptation of Modern African-American Writers814 Words  | 4 PagesAdaptation of Modern African-American Writers Modern writers learn from the past by reading works written by authors of that particular era. Contemporary African-American writers gain knowledge and insight into the horrendous and sometimes harmonious conditions that plagued Africans during slavery and the slave trade. By reading the actual words, thoughts, and feelings of these enslaved Africans, modern writers receive information from the perspective of the victimized. Lucille Cliftons slaveshipRead MoreJean Toomer- An African American Writer1188 Words  | 5 PagesJean Toomer was an African American writer. He was known as the leading American writer of the 1920s after he established his book Cane which inspired authors of the Harlem Renaissance. Jean Toomer was born on December 26, 1894 as Nathan Pinchback Toomer. His mother was the governor of Louisiana during Reconstruction and the first U.S. governor of African American descent (Jones 1). In 1985, Toomers father abandoned him and his mother. He forced them to live with his mother cruel father inRead MoreLangston Hughes, An African American Writer1823 Words  | 8 Pages Langston Hughes, an African American writer who interpreted to the world the black experience in the US and portrayed them with skill and insight, was born February 1st, 1902 into the home of the couple James and Carrie Hughes. Hughes mother attended college and had an artistic temperament. James Nathanial Hughes was a prosperous lawyer and rancher in Mexico who disliked the black poor and hated Negroes. On April 30, 1899, in Guthrie, Oklahoma, him and his wife Carrie were married and were pregnantRead MoreIn Their Novels, Many African American Writers Examine1929 Words  | 8 PagesIn their novels, many African American writers examine the conditions African American men and women live in as well as the choices they make as a result of their environment. In Native Son by Richard Wright, Bigger lives in an impoverished community and survives by committing robbery along with his friends. When Bigger gets, a job working for a rich white family, he accidentally murders his employerà ¢â‚¬â„¢s daughter and tries to cover his tracks. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison tells the story of a blackRead MoreAfrican American Writer and Folklorist, Zora Neale Hurston 674 Words  | 3 PagesZora Neale Hurston which is famous African-American female Writer. She was also a folklorist and an anthropologist. She was very well educated. She was born in Notasulga, Alabama, on January 7, 1891. She was the fifth of eight children of John Hurston and Lucy pott Hurston. Her family moved to Eatonville, Florida when she was only three years old. In that time, many African-American moved from south to north and made a self-governing town because of the segregation. Eatonville was the first independentRead MoreLorraine Hansberry Is An African American Play Writer Who1583 Words  | 7 PagesLorraine Hansberry is an African American play writer who wrote the play â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun.†The Play highlights the lives of a lower-class Black American family in the 1950s living under racial segregation and oppression in Chicago. The title of the play was inspired from the poem â€Å"Harlem†by Langston Hughes. The poem questions â€Å"What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?†(Hansberry, 2013, p. 976). The protagonist, Walter Lee Younger, struggles internally withRead MoreTaking a Look at African American Poets827 Words  | 3 Pagesring bells when African American poets are mentioned? The legends who have influenced the path in which our ancestors fought hard to obtain in past generations. Booker T. Washington, Rita Dove, Richard Wright, Zora Hurston and Langston Hughes were a few among various highly influential poets during the 1900s. One of the biggest accomplishments of blacks today is that literature has developed from these African American poets. These individuals have set a tone and path to allow writers of any ethnicityRead Moreâ€Å"Whenever my environment had failed to support or nourish me, I had clutched at books...†― Richard800 Words  | 4 PagesWright an African American author. This quote means that no matter what was placed in his way or what he lacked that others had he hung on to what he had and did what he could. And the more he read about the world, the more he longed to see it and make a permanent brea k from the Jim Crow South. I want my life to count for something, he told a friend. Richard Wright wanted to make a difference in the world and a difference he did make. Richard Wright was an important figure in American History becauseRead MoreFrederick Douglass, An African American Reformer, Abolitionist, And Writer1062 Words  | 5 Pages Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was an African American social reformer, abolitionist, and writer. Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was born into slavery in Talbot County, Maryland on February1818 and he died on February 20, 1895. And was named by his mother, Harriet Bailey. But the exact date of Douglass birth is unknown. After escaping from slavery, he becomes a leader of the abolitionist movement. He know that as a living counterRead More The Political, Feminist, and Religious view of Frances E.W. Harper, Phllis Wheatley, and Alice Dunbar-Nelson2661 Words  | 11 Pagesd literature. Wheatley was considered a feminist icon because she was the first published African American female poet. However, her writing did not deal with feminist issues, rather, they focussed on religious and political themes. Unlike Wheatley, Harpers femi nist views are incorporated into her work. She uses religion as a method to express her political and social views. Dunbar-Nelson, a writer of all genres, brought together her personal beliefs and activism into many pieces of her work
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Euthanasia and the Robert Latimer Case Essay Example For Students
Euthanasia and the Robert Latimer Case Essay Euthanasia is undoubtedly an issue that plagues the minds of those living withchildren or adults who are severely disabled. Rarely is one found to have a neutral outlook upon it; that is, a side must be chosen, for or against. It istoo delicate a topic to be in the middle about. Over the years, casesinvolving euthanasia have caused massive controversies as to whether or not itis feasible to take the life of another human being in order to put them out oftheir misery. One of the strong questions raised in my mind is: Does the killerreally want to put the victim out of their misery? Or is it the killer who isunder the extreme pressures of living with the victim, and is it their ownlifestyle that they are truly fed up with?In the Robert Latimer case, as in many other cases of euthanasia, it can neverbe proven whether or not Latimer killed his young daughter Tracy to save her,or to save himself. While I have never experienced living with someone who isseverely disabled, I have had the ch ance to discuss the issue with many friendsand associates. From what I have learned, it is, indeed, an extremely toughmatter to deal with. While no-one I have spoken to has been suicidal over thematter, they have seen the true pain and misery that some severely disabledindividuals are forced to deal with every day of their lives. Still, many agreewith myself on the point that a human life is just that, a human life; and thateveryone alive has the right to live, no matter whether or not it is undertougher circumstances than another person. Nobody has the right to take the lifeof another person, and technically, the law states that nobody has the right totake their own life as well. A severely disabled person may have to deal with much pain in their lives, butthey are entitled to the right of simply enjoying being alive, and denying themthat right would be an infringement upon their freedom. Latimer should havetaken the law into deeper consideration before taking his daughters life. He mayhave seen the suffering that she went through, but it is evident that he hadsome sort of strange love for his daughter. Indeed, he did want what was bestfor Tracy, but possibly what he was after was what he thought was best. Hevalued her rights as his daughter, unfortunately he did not value her rights asa human being. As euthanasia is one of the most controversial issues in todays society, upthere with abortion and the legalization of marijuana, there is a close 50/50opinion base on the topic. Thus, it would seem either extremely difficult for ajury to make a reasonable call on whether or not Latimer should have been guilty. As stated in a Toronto Star article from November 19, 1994, to acquit himwouldhave put all disabled people in Canadaat rise of being killed by other who feltthey would be better off dead. This raises an interesting point: wouldcompletely unnecessary murders take place if euthanasia were legalized? Likely. A killer with a good defence would attempt to prove that they killed a disabledperson to put them out of their misery, when indeed they may have had completelydifferent, perhaps personal reasons to murder the individual. Our system of lawsis right in finding that to legalize euthanasia would far a massive risk uponthe elderly, sick, and disabled of our society. This is a risk for which a lawshould not have to take blame for, and changing this law would only encouragethat. .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b , .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b .postImageUrl , .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b , .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b:hover , .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b:visited , .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b:active { border:0!important; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b:active , .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u957a15b37fd5d3bc16f383f76067b79b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alcohol and the Liver EssayAs for Latimers sentence; this raises the ever-controversial question of howcan you put a price on a persons life?. Will ten years in prison change theway Latimer feels about his actions? No is the most likely answer to thequestion, as Latimer clearly stated I still feel what I did was right. So whatgood is there in putting Latimer away for ten years? Should the sentence be aharsher one? Possibly, euthanasia should be considered cold-blooded first-degreestyle murder, with a full life sentence without parole. I feel that taking thelife of another human is cold-blooded, no matter how you look at it; thus, thesentence should be that of a greater ext ent than the one that Latimer received. In speaking with my parents about this issue, the term doctor assisted suicidewas mentioned several times. I felt from where I stand, that it was my duty tomake it clear that there is quite a difference between doctor assisted suicideand the Latimer case. I feel that when a person clearly states that they wish tobe killed peacefully with the help of a professional is an enormously differentmatter from a case like Robert Latimers, in which Latimer took it upon himselfto make the judgment call on his daughter Tracys life, and decided himself,that she wished to die. He did not consider Tracys outlook on the situation. Indeed, she was unable to communicate with him, and could not let him know howshe felt, but I feel that this in no way gave Latimer the right to decide forhimself that she wished to die. It is said that many doctors have played God in committing doctor assistedsuicides; I believe that Robert Latimer attempted to play God when he took hisdaughters life into his own hands and started making decisions on her behalf. While I am in now way recommending suicide, it may have been a better route forRobert Latimer in his situation. If he had so much rage for the love of hisdaughter, and it had to be taken out via murder, I feel it would have beenbetter if he had taken his own life, as opposed to taking the life of Tracy, whowas simply an innocent girl with a problem beyond her own control. Category: Law
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Your proudest accomplishment free essay sample
It was a cool July afternoon as I raced down the steep slope of my driveway, my bare feet collecting tiny, loose asphalt rocks. I reached tentatively into the paint-faded mailbox and grasped the manila envelope. I decided to open it like a Band-Aid, to rip it and get it over with quickly and as painlessly as possible. Relief flooded through my body as I let out a whoop of pure joy as my eyes scanned over the carefully printed scores. I sprinted to the house where I proudly shoved the results in my mother’s face. I had earned a three on my AP English test, a score I so desperately needed.You see, test-taking has always been my struggle. At a young age I have what my mother likes to call â€Å"Severe Test Anxiety.†In the middle of an exam, I second-guess most of my answers even the ones I know are correct. We will write a custom essay sample on Your proudest accomplishment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All of my teachers tell me the statistics for leaving the first answer, but I always forget their words and bubble in a different option. The test anxiety reach a pinnacle last spring when my mom decided to give me an ultimatum: Get a three on my AP English test, or she wouldn’t pay for me to major in Communications and Journalism. In hindsight, it sounded a little overbearing, but at the time my heart nearly stopped. What I loved most was learning new styles of writing, analyzing poetry, and creating new pieces that showed off my own style. How could an English lover like me feel nervous about this test? However, one fact was still the same; I dreaded testing.When I told my AP English teacher of my dilemma she immediately started working with me and showing me how I could respond to the time constraints on test day. She’d give me practice tests and time me to see how long it would take me to complete certain sections. She would then show me where to focus my efforts. When test day came around, my teacher cheered all her students on before they closed the doors. She gave us all personal letters, my own said, â€Å"Have a blast doing what you love-writing! Let this be a celebration of your talent.†On that brisk July afternoon, I held more than just a score in my hands, I held pride and accomplishment. I had managed to work through something that had plagued me my entire life. This test challenged me to do what I feared most, prove myself. It was the most important test I had faced in my life, and if I could overcome that, I could overcome other challenges in life as well.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Gender roles in the Wind in the Willows
Gender roles in the Wind in the Willows The ‘Wind in the Willows’ is a novel that was published by Kenneth Grahame in 1908. This novel arouses magic and adventure feelings as well as feelings of reflection. Information in this book widens the people’s understanding of the world they are living in.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gender roles in the Wind in the Willows specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They are also able to comprehend the complicated interactions found between people. The book has information on social classes and the reasons why it is necessary to have friendship in the society (Lerer 60). Moreover, the author says that if pride is allowed in any society, then friendship can be completely destroyed. Kenneth Graham did not use human characters in his novel; instead he used animals like a toad, rat and a mole. He did so because he wanted to avoid sex problems. He suggested that his novel did not have any problem since it d id not have any sex clash. In addition to that, he said that his aim was to avoid sex as well as gender issues in his novel. However, to some extent, he did not make it in avoiding sex issues since the text debatably has misogynistic implications. For instance, in the case where both the mole and the rat make comments to the toad that are full of women critics. The toad is criticized by the rat for being ‘flung into the water- by a woman too’ (Grahame 111). A suggestion is also made by the mole to the toad indicating that locking himself in the bedroom is better than spending time in the hospital ‘being ordered about by female nurses’ (Grahame, 112). Besides, in a conversation between the toad and Barge woman some names such as little hussies or idle trollops are used represent women since they are not recognized. This shows that Grahame’s claim on the text having no problems was wrong. Probably, he was ignorant of the women-hatred implications in hi s novel or he wrote from the viewpoint of ‘a male who finds women inconsequential’ (Marshall 58). ‘The putative maleness of all the animal characters nullified by their singularity and by the lack of female characters, and so the four main characters are, in effect, genderless or androgynous’ (Peter, Hunt 104). They argue that females must be included to bring out the character of ‘maleness’. In his book, Graham sidelined females because he fitted their traditional caring functions to the male characters.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He also used the characters to show how women are weak and the way they are neglected in some societies. In the novel, women do not have their rights and follow what they are told. This is shown by the mole who follows what he is told by the toad without having a second thought. The rat is also weak and full of frustrations as well as worries. He is never excited like the toad who belongs to a higher class since he is a male. According to Marshal, Graham’s aim was to attach and associate children with animals. Despite trying to stay away from sex clash in his novel, traits of female hatred are clearly seen. From her analysis on feminism, Marshall calls for a better way of discussing gender. She wonders how Grahame’s novel was free from gender clash and thought of how innocent the novel could be (Marshal 65). Walsh on the other hand criticizes Graham’s novel because he claimed that it lacked gender clash. She says that the novel discriminates women through misogynistic implications. He continues to argue that if Graham considered gender balance, then he could have included some females in the novel and make them occupy some of the higher positions. He also used males to represent female characters (Walsh 163). Lerer Seth in her journal of Aesthetic edu cation says that in the ‘wind in the willows’, friendship, temptation, perseverance as well as self understanding shape the qualities of the characters. She argues that the qualities depend on the style and the unique characters that are found in the individual. The whole progression and elements such as drama and emotion are described by the style. For instance from the novel, style rules every creature like the mole which is seen to be very quit while the toad is manic. Style also determines the narrative’s progress in the whole book. In Lerer’s article, domestic aesthetic in the novel is discussed. She continues to insist that all the characteristics in the novel symbolize a clear viewpoint on childhood innocence. In Lerer’s opinion on Graham’s work ‘male dominance can be outlined through individual characters and their unique characters displayed’ (Lerer 61) In the novel, Graham reminds people that there were times when worki ng classes were separated from the elites and everybody knew his or her place in the society depending on the social classes. Toad belongs to the upper class and owns the land.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gender roles in the Wind in the Willows specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He is also above the law and feels that no punishment should be given to him. He is also a thief and fights the police after being caught stealing. This is because he is a man thus feeling more superior that the weaker sex, that is, the females. The novel shapes the views of the readers, especially the children, by getting the meaning of what the author has written. It shows that the non human characters were all males thus showing gender imbalance. The author could have included female characters because children especially girls enjoy reading such novels since they are able to get female role models. Many of the common story books for ch ildren, apart from this novel, represent gender imbalances thus making the female child feel degraded. For instance in the ‘Wind in the Willows’ novel all the characters that were used by Grahame were all males. In some novels there are female characters but they do not take any active role. The novel has a lot of exaggeration among the characters so that the reader’s imagination can be stimulated. The reader tries to imagine the various facial expressions, personalities as well as different body languages. Exaggeration enables the reader to know the character’s nature through imagination. The reader can involve effectively with the characters portrayed by the animals since they are traits of human beings and be able to associate them with his or her life. For instance, those people who are rich become self-centered and they are associated with the toad in the novel (Hunt, Peter 110). The novel also portrays some of the attitudes and behaviors that are fou nd in humans. It represents the communities where only men are recognized and women seen as inferior characters. Though written mainly for the children, many adults have liked reading it. Fantasy, as an element has been created since the children read about animals that talk and do tasks meant for human beings. The novel has been one of the best children’s stories because it uses personification to deliver the qualities of humans found in these animals. Toad seems to have a lot of energy and that is why he is full of excitement. He is also a member of the leisure class thus showing how a man can easily belong to the upper class in the society unlike a woman.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Throughout the novel, female characters are not found anywhere bringing out some beliefs that were found in many societies; that women are not supposed to enjoy the liberty and independence found in men. Gender stereotype brings out a contrast of the behaviors seen the toad. This is because the toad has a lot of freedom and at the same time he is very careless. He has also more social power than the others. The rat represents women in some of the communities because he does not support change or anything promoting it and becomes comfortable in the world that he is living in which is very little. The same case applies where females are seen as a weaker sex because they do not fight for change and feel happy the way they are. The mole always long for the journey but seems comfortable at home due to security. He shows weakness because he cannot be able to stand up firmly and say what he wants. â€Å"Mole is going to stick to me and do as I do, aren’t you, mole?†(Grahame 19). The same case applies to women since they can not be able to fight for their rights fully. A physical journey has been proposed for these three characters and the reader is able to imagine it as he reads the story. Toad sees the journey as a path to enjoyment, exploration and change. Mole is not decided because he has security at home and at the same time would like to enjoy the adventure. Rat is not ready for any change since he is weak and his voice can not be heard by anybody. This clearly shows the differences that existed between men and women especially during the early times. Women did not recognize their rights and suffered a lot in the society because they were considered as weak and uneducated. Although Graham fails to recognize women in his novel, he clearly demonstrates how people respond differently to a journey’s idea since the novel is related a journey’s concept. The novel can also be interpreted well by children who also enjoy reading it. Its idea s are simple, language is colorful and the dialogues are interesting. Work Cited Grahame, Kenneth. The Wind in The Willows. New York: Free Press, 1960. Print. Hunt, Peter.The Wind in the Willows A Fractured Arcadia, New York, Toronto: Macmillan, 1994. Print. Lerer, Seth. Style and the Mole: Domestic Aesthetics in the Wind in the Willows. Aesthetic Education 43.2 (2009): 51-63. Marshall, Cynthia. Bodies and Pleasures in the Wind in the Willows. Annual of The Modern Language Association Division on Childrens Literature and The Childrens Literature Association, 22 (1994): 58-69. Walsh, Claire. Gender Trouble in Arcadia Or a World of Multi gendered Possibility? Intersubjectivity and Gender in the Wind in the Willows. Explorations into Childrens Literature ,16.2 (2006): 162-7.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Discussion Board 6-1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion Board 6-1 - Assignment Example These experiences right from childhood to often distort the developing of psyches in the people of color leading to loss of crucial development task that brings about personal identity. In other words, the oppressive conditions that people of color often undergo as early as childhood often hinder their ability to develop their identity effectively and above all meet their potential. Racism, discrimination, biasness, and prejudice that characterize the life of people of color are undoubtedly a tough experience that they have to endure at one point or another in their lifetime (Diller, 2011). It is unfortunate that all these tough experiences comes with power and some benefits that dominant community enjoy at the expense of the minority and this aspect confuse the people of color more powerfully than anything else. The fact that racism, ethnicity and prejudice perpetrated against diverse community is meant at portraying them as either bad or inferior race does a big blow in the identity development of most people of color. As most people grow up and try to gain more personal understanding of themselves and identities with respect to their social inclination they are often caught up in dilemma owing to the preponderance of negative messages they get from other dominant race concerning
Friday, February 7, 2020
Code of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Code of Ethics - Essay Example My core values are respect, integrity, responsibility, and fairness. Respect is important to me because I honor all individuals as human beings with dignity. Respect is essential in having a good life because, if I see every one as equal, I will not mistreat or abuse anyone. Furthermore, respect means being open to and tolerant of differences. If I respect people, I do not need to force my beliefs and values on them. I will not also unfairly judge them, which avoids prejudice and discrimination. Integrity is my second core value because it means being honest in what I say and do. Integrity is important to living a good life because I can earn and protect the trust of people. I will also feel better about myself because my values do not conflict with my actions. Responsibility is the third core value that I find important because I want to be accountable for my decisions and actions. Responsibility is significant to a good life because I am proactive in setting goals and handling prob lems. Fairness is also an important core value because I want to be impartial by listening to others and having an open mind. It is valuable to a good life because it results to just processes and outcomes. My core values will help me live a good life because they will enable me to become conscious of my ethical needs as a human being and to respect other people as beings with equal moral worth. I believe that I have good moral character because I live with integrity. Integrity is all about interconnecting my values, beliefs, attitudes, and actions. To be a person of integrity is to act according to my cherished values and virtues. The virtues that I aspire to cultivate and practice are connected to my code of ethics. I want to embody the virtues of hope, justice, and temperance. By having hope, I see positive things in people and the future. I also contribute to a hopeful future through my actions,
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Business to Consumer Marketing Essay Example for Free
Business to Consumer Marketing Essay Increase in the use of Internet use means that marketing on the internet has also gained popularity. People turn towards the Internet to search for basic information on any items they are interested in, whether for personal use or for business, and to a lesser extent they may want to purchase it from the convenience of their home or office. From the business point of view, this means the companies need to pay special attention to their website, as it represents the company in cyber space. Not only the extent of information available on their site, but the user-friendliness of the website, search ability of the site, how fast the website loads, are also important factors. All these factors are also dependent on the target market of the company, whether they are engaged in B2B (business-to-business) or B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing. For instance, B2B customers are more concerned with technical aspect of the product, the warranty provided and the customer services. For B2C customers, the design and over all look of the product may be equally important as the functionalities. This article discusses the differences and similarities between B2C and B2B marketing that should be there in an ideal or a well-planned website. Features of Online Marketing Before being specific about what B2B and B2C marketing should ideally target, I’ll be discussing the common features any marketing site should have. It is also important knowing that a company is represented by one site, and this should give all the relevant information to all its stakeholders, in a manner which is easily accessible and gives only relevant information. The postings on an e-information typically fall into these five categories, according to Etzel, Walker and Stanton (2004): Company Background and General Information: This category covers the history of the company, its mission and vision, corporate philosophy and general orientation. It may also include financial performance of the company and other investor related information, the structure of the company, its operations and global/local divisions and branches, and profile of the management team. This portion is usually accessible to everyone and needs to be presented clearly to both categories of customers – individuals and business consumers. Current Business Operations: This category caters to the company’s customers. This is where division of any kind may come in. For customers this section provides product descriptions, dealer contact information and payment terms and structure. For the business partners, this may consider more technical details, how to contact the relevant business personnel, the different packages available etc. Because the company needs to know about its potential customers, and some of the information in this section may be confidential, access may be restricted by requiring the users to register and give their email address, which allows them to be kept updated with new company’s happenings if they choose to keep updated. This is a place where there is a two-way communication open, minimal though it may be, and companies should focus on those aspects which are valued by their target market. Links: This category has connections to other related sites. This is important for B2B customers who may wish to contact a dealer near their place of business, or to get more information. Attraction and Entertainment Features: This is more important for B2C customers and includes those features and tools which make the site more interesting and unique for customers. For B2B sites, it is more important to be uncluttered, present the information in a style that is easy-to-read and understand, and the site itself should be easy to navigate. Contact Point: This provides usually an email address for visitors, to make a comment or for queries and should also provide a phone number. This is an opportunity to interact directly with the company and is a major advantage of internet over traditional media. However, this should be paid attention to, as unanswered queries and negatively affect the company’s business. B2B Online Marketing: B2B sites specifically cater to corporate clients. This implies that the decision making process is longer for the customers and the company should cater to that. Also, services usually provided are in-house services or regarding maintenance software or similar services to increase the productivity and profitability of the company. The characteristics of B2B sites include an attempt to automate trading process on the website. This is more convenient, saves time as well as money. This is important as even though B2C sites are generally more popular, however, the amount of money in transactions is greater for B2B sites. This means that security is also important for any company, including keeping the information provided by the corporate client. Also, the company should try to differentiate itself from the competition by using and promoting its USP (unique selling proposition). This can be done both online as well as offline using traditional methods of advertising, tradeshows, field sales etc. By automating the processes and as much of their supply chain as possible, the company is saving costs in the long run, thus allowing it to compete on price basis as well. Ideally, B2B sites should also have a registration option for business customers who may wish to learn more. By registering themselves on the site, it allows for more human intervention and a two-way communication. This can make an online business transactions more long lasting which is important in businesses. B2C Online Marketing: Sites which specifically cater to a target group to promote goods and services fall into this category. The more popular sites include Amazon. com and eBay. com. B2C sites are more transaction-oriented in general. Though both sites allow transactions, consumers are usually online and in a position to transact and purchase immediately, as they take less time than businesses for decision making. This is because B2B consumers are more investigative and seek more information from different channels and sources. B2C sites also try to create relationships with customers to enhance the brand loyalty of consumers and ensure that their queries are answered. Though, this is more difficult and companies need to ensure that this process does not adversely harm the operations of the company. B2C sites simultaneously also use offline methods along with online advertising. Online tools can include interactive websites, online communities and discussion forums, email marketing, pop-ups, cost per click advertising such as Google AdWords etc. However, the challenge for any company lies in finding the right mix of advertising and promotion which maximizes profits and minimizes costs. However, good B2C sites allows the consumers to shop faster and in a more convenient manner, offerings and prices obtained are in real-time and can be changed as required and call centres are usually integrated along with the websites allowing interaction between the companies and the end-users. Conclusion: Research shows that more than actual purchase, consumers are using the internet more for research about the product and to make a more informed purchase decision, which is truer for the business consumers. Thus, the company should realize that not all visitors may purchase from their site; however most of them will be researching the company’s products and the information available will be a significant factor in the final decision. This is true to a lesser extent for consumers, because individuals tend to display customer loyalty, thus they may research more to confirm their original decision rather than look at competition’s information. Also, in B2C more emphasis is on price comparisons as customers usually go online shopping to obtain the best price possible. This is also lower than the price in offline stores in some cases as it saves the cost of the intermediary or any dealer involved. In B2B, competition on a global basis ensures that the companies no longer can ignore online marketing and it is necessary to keep up with the competition. Initiatives such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and just in time inventory are changing the way business is being done. This combined with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ensures that the way companies do business with other businesses has changed and they need to use innovative ways to make their presence felt online. (Furlong, 2001)
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Sakat Chauth Essay --
Sakat Chauth Vrat is observed on the fourth day of Krishna paksha, (the fading phase of moon) in the month of Magha according to Hindu lunar calendar. Next Sakat Chauth will fall on January 19th in 2014. This is also called as Ganesh Chauth or Tilkuta Chauth. Lord Ganesha and Moon god is worshiped on Sakat Chauth. This vrat is mainly observed in North India and this day is celebrated as Tilkut Chauth. A full day fast is observed on this day. It is believed that fasting on Sakat Chauth removes all obstacles from life and Ganesha blesses his devotees with health, fortune and good children. Sakat Chauth vrat method: On this day, married women who are observing the fast get up early morning and take bath, after which they wear new cloths, clean up the place of worship and chant â€Å"Om Ganeshaaya Namah" mantra108 times. During the day devotees observe fast. However milk, tea and fruits are allowed. In the evening a Mandap is decorated in which Ganesha idol is placed. The idol is decorated with flowers and Doorva (grass) is offered to Ganesha. Desserts pr...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
War Brings Peace
First M . Last Name Professor ‘s Name Class and Number 7 February 2007 Can War Bring Peace ? War is considered as a particular branch of a specific philosophy , with Carl von Clausewitz being considered as the â€Å"only philosopher of war ‘stated in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . It also says that it refers to , â€Å"a phenomenon which occurs only between political communities ‘ or â€Å"certain political pressure groups , like terrorist organizations , might also be considered `political communities ‘ in that they are associations of people with a political purpose (Stanford ,War , 2005 . On the other hand , peace is the pursuit of justice with opposite methods of human diversity and who seek peace are more or less responsible for social changes in visionary ways , while the proponents of war are considered to be narrow minded with one thing in mind – to win something they want , using whatever methods they need to accomplish this . Rel igion has been blamed as the cause of many wars , yet they considered themselves to be an advocacy for non-violence . A source of conflict ,religion is also a philosophy and practitioner of peace . Contradictory in itself , this explains the conflicting views bringing war into existence . Not all wars are caused by opposing religious views , but the majority of them are . Jenny Teichman wrote in The Philosophy of War and Peace that â€Å"Aggressive wars have often been waged for religious reasons and still are today (Teichman , 2002 , pg . 2 . According to Alexander Mosley in Philosophy of War , â€Å"man cannot stop war – it is his nature to wage war ‘ which backs my theory that war is the product of man ‘s ideas and hence is a product of choice . We fight for peace through war , and war continues on until peace comes into being–these are contradictory statements . Peace found through war is not peace , only a win-win situation , or a give-in situation at the cost of lives , money , and and power win â€Å"Man chooses war , and by this is meant that each individual participant chooses war (or has to choose differently , if war is thrust upon him through invasion or conscription ‘Mosley also states that , â€Å"The individual is a volitional being , whose cognition is free to use and direct and in group activity such as a battle , each individual must contribute his thought and effort  even if only accepting the orders of others (Mosley , pg . 39 . Does this refer to the desire for peace – hardly . It refers to the fact many are at war through the desires of others for ulterior gain that has nothing to do with achieving peace . There is nothing wrong with different views – they are only different ,with each individual thinking their viewpoint is the correct one -unfortunately , many feel their way is correct for abs olutely everyone with everyone else wrong or evil . To sum it up , how each one goes about getting their way is what sets the scene for war or peace : one may peacefully go about it with diplomatic and peaceful ways , such as†¦
Saturday, January 4, 2020
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