Friday, December 27, 2019
Analysis Of Sir Gawains Character Essay - 1100 Words
Analysis Of Sir Gawains Character In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the character of Sir Gawain, nephew of the famed Arthur of the Round Table, is seen as the most noble of knights who is the epitome of chivalry, yet he is also susceptible to mistakes. His courtesy, honor, honesty, and courage are subjected to various tests, posed by the wicked Morgan le Fay. Some tests prove his character and the chivalrous code true and faultless, like the time he answers a challenge although it might mean his death, or remains courteous to a lady despite temptation. Other tests prove his character and the chivalrous code faulty such as the time he breaks his promise to his host, and when he flinches from a harmless blow. The first test to his†¦show more content†¦More proof of Sir Gawain’s chivalrous and courageous character is evident when he arrives at Bercilak’s court. The people are honored that their guest is Sir Gawain, the most honored of all the knights on earth, even though Gawain describes himself as young and untested. They whisper to each other that Gawain, whose â€Å"courage is ever-constant†and â€Å"custom-pure,†will demonstrate and teach them his â€Å"command of manners†and â€Å"love’s language†(SGGK l. 912, 924, 927). The conversation of the household serves to provide proof of his Gawains fine character. The next test of his character comes during his three-day stay at Hautdesert castle. His courtesy and honor are tested when the host’s lady pursues Gawain in order to fool him into action that will destroy his knightly ideal. She tempts him with â€Å"bosom all but bare†(SGGK l. 1741). With another man’s wife pursuing him, Gawain must be courtly and polite to the lady yet must deny her advances. She claims that since â€Å"he won her favor, he should claim a kiss from her as accords with the conduct of courteous knights†(SGGK l. 1489-1491). Gawain must abide by his morals and abstain from adulterous actions, while being a courteous knight. He is forced to make a choice to be courteous to the lady, thus dishonoring his host, or be discourteous and honor his host by not committing adultery with his wife. By choosing to return each of the successive kisses received, Gawain is able to pass the first test posed byShow MoreRelatedThe Code Of Chivalry And The Fu ndamental Thoughts And Actions Of Human Nature1499 Words  | 6 Pages Sir Gawain†¦ Chivalric? By analyzing Sir Gawain’s attempts of following the Code of Chivalry and the fundamental thoughts and actions of human nature helps to further analyze Gawain’s character. The definition of Chivalry is the â€Å"set of values and code of conduct for the medieval knightly class†(Shatz) examining Gawain’s attempts to achieve his goal of being the perfect chivalric knight, the nature of his obstacles has to be determined, and the development of his character has to be analyzeRead MoreArchetypes In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1100 Words  | 5 Pagesidentify which character represents which archetype. One must also understand that each story bearing its own unique characteristics will not always follow Joseph Campbell’s analysis to the tee, but will bear very similar qualities. For example, a character may represent multiple archetypes a common trend in the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Despite common belief, though , other elements of a story allow for analyzation as well. 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It is the middle of winter, and Gawain has been traveling in search of the Green Knight whose head he has cut off. After he prays and signs himself three times, Gawain finds a magical castle in the midst of a winter forest. He rides to the castle and is grantedRead More Sir Gawain and The Green Knight Essay1602 Words  | 7 PagesSir Gawain and The Green Knight Summary The story begins in King Arthurs court, where he and the Knights of the Round Table are celebrating New Years. While they are enjoying their feast, a gigantic Green Knight rides in on a green horse with an immense axe in his hand to offer them a challenge. His offer is: I shall bide the fist blow, as bare as I sit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.., but in twelve month and one day he shall have of me the same. (Norton Anthology,208) After a moment of consideration, Sir GawainRead MoreSir Gawain and The Green Knight Essay1342 Words  | 6 PagesSir Gawain and The Green Knight In literature, insights into characters, places, and events are often communicated to the reader through the use of imagery within the text. Thus is the case with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The Pearl Poets use of imagery runs rampant within the work culminating to set forth the theme of mysticism and/or the supernatural. In this Medieval romance, the types of imagery used are that of the season or climate, the colors and textures of fabrics and jewelryRead More A Character Analysis of Sir Gawain as Presented In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight1426 Words  | 6 PagesA Character Analysis of Sir Gawain as Presented In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, the character of Sir Gawain is skillfully brought to life by the unknown author. Through the eyes of numerous characters in the poem, we see Gawain as a noble knight who is the epitome of chivalry; he is loyal, honest and above all, courteous. As the story progresses, Gawain is subjected to a number of tests of character, some known and some unknown. These tests tell us a greatRead MoreEssay about Sir Gawain and the Green Knight1732 Words  | 7 PagesSir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a poem written during the medieval period about the Arthurian legend. Although the author is anonymous, it is apparent that the dialect of Sir Gawain points to an origin in provincial England, and it represents the cultural centers which remote from the royal court at London where Geoffrey Chaucer spent his life (Norton, 200). This poem is considered one of the best works of Middle English literature. One reason is that theRead MoreSir Gawain And The Green Knight3517 Words  | 15 PagesKapelle Medieval Literature 16 April 2015 Sir Gawain’s Performative Identity and Antifeminist Diatribe in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Medieval scholars continually inspect the particularities of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (SGGK) within the context of the preexisting Gawain literary tradition, and the issue of Gawain’s sudden antifeminist diatribe repeatedly comes to the forefront of these textual investigations. Often, literary critics claim that Gawain’s antifeminist outburst is common for theRead More Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay1991 Words  | 8 PagesSir Gawain and the Green Knight - Character Analysis of Sir Gawain The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell is a medieval romance poem written by an anonymous author. Sir Gawain is one of the major characters in the poem. He is a very likable personality. Sir Gawain represents an ideal knight of the fourteenth century. Throughout the story, we see Sir Gawain portrayed as a very courteous and noble knight, always trying to help King Arthur. The characteristics of Sir Gawain like kindness, generosity
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Walter White Was A Good Man By American Society s Standards
In recent years, a New Yorker artist posted a caricature that depicted a cop speaking with an inmate saying â€Å"I am neither a good cop nor a bad cop, Jerome. Like yourself, I am a complex amalgam of positive and negative personality traits that emerge or not, depending on the circumstances†(Stevens, 2007). Being diagnosed with incurable cancer, Walter White began his metamorphosis from an outstanding citizen into an egotistical drug lord. He was a good man who was led to commit immoral choices due to the situation he was put in. Throughout the series, society judges Walter, some say he is a hero for doing the things he did for the greater good of his family whilst others, justify his actions. Although wrong to judge people for committing unlawful or immoral acts in a stressful situation, it is required in order to keep society from collapsing. Walter White was a good man by American society’s standards, he studied at California Technical Institute and obtained a degree in chemistry. Through Walter’s works, he was awarded with a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his achievements in the determination of crystal structures. He met his wife a few years later and had his first born son. Even though Walter had great success working in chemistry, he became a high school teacher, a job that did not pay enough and was driven to work a second job in a carwash. A day after Walter had turned 50, he collapsed while working at the car wash, an ambulance was called and he was taken reluctantlyShow MoreRelatedGender And Its Effects On Society1558 Words  | 7 Pagesone has any control of their identity because society chooses who and what people are, Society separates the rich from the poor, the messiahs from the outcasts and strong from the frail. Regardless of background, society subjects the individual to partake in stereo types, assimilate its culture, and isolate the few who attempt to resist. History, as told through literature, exemplifies the struggles of individuals forced to accept the identities society gave them. Factors like race, gender or wealthRead MoreComparing The Death Of A Salesman And A Raisin The Sun1710 Words  | 7 Pagessupport your family is something that has always been tremendously significant in the American culture. The Death of a Salesman and A Raisin the Sun are two tales about this struggle. Both stories are about two American families that portray the common way of life around the 1940’s and the struggles that come with it. A Raisin in the Sun is about a black family living in Chicago, and Death of a Salesman is about a white family living in New York. Both families seem to have many problems that set the apartRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Beneatha In A Raisin In The Sun1487 Words  | 6 PagesCharacter Analysis â€Å" A Raisin in the Sun†is a play written by Lorraine Hansberry about the life of an African American family during the era of segregation. The play starts off with the Younger family receiving a 10,000 dollar check from Mr. Younger’s insurance policy. The family argues over what they are going to do with it. Mama wants to buy a house with it, Walter wants to invest in a liquor store, and Beneatha wants to use the money to go to medical school. The contrast of the characters’ personalitiesRead MoreThe Universal Declaration Of Human Rights, Article 11,1475 Words  | 6 Pagestownsfolk cannot fathom the idea that Maycomb’s black residents are equal to its white ones. But others - Atticus, Miss Maudie, Judge Taylor - treat everyone equally, with respect, kindness, and reason. Yet it is not through these characters that we see Tom Robinson’s trial. We watch from the balcony through the eyes of the children - Scout, Jem, and Dill. We see them lea rn the law and the unwritten rules of society. Scout and Dill, in particular, are blank slates who begin to develop ideas of equalityRead MoreA Raisin Of A Sun By Lorraine Hansberry2114 Words  | 9 Pagesstatus in society, class, and poverty issues are all because of race. The family is also prideful although they have negative around them they stand for a difference in their lives. You will see how the -different family member show pride in this drama. The story is taking place in the mid 1950’s. In the 1950’s racism was a part of everyday life. The Younger’s an African American family lived in a small apartment with four adults and one child on the Southside of Chicago. Being African American playRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book A Raisin Of The Sun 2263 Words  | 10 Pages(Crisis/turning point) e. Events contributing to falling action f. Resolution g. Other Significant Structural Elements: CHARACTERS 1. Protagonist a. Name and significance: Walter which means â€Å"Commander of the Army†wants to be the head of the family and wants to make decisions on his own to show his manhood and his capability of being the man of the house. But he is also tired of living in a world where he is judged based off his color and race. b. Characteristics and thematic significance: He is Mama’sRead MoreHarper Lee s Just Mercy1226 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Finally, I ve come to believe that the true measure of our commitment to justice, the character of our society, our commitment to the rule of law, fairness, and equality cannot be measured by how we treat the rich, the powerful, the privileged, and the respected among us. The true measure of our character is how we treat the poor, the disfavored, the accused, the incarcerated, and the condemned. We are all implicated when we allow other people to be mistreated,†(Stevenson 18). Within Bryan Stevenson’sRead MoreAnalysis Of Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin And The Sun Essay2363 Words  | 10 Pagesthere a lesson to be learned if the characters ends up right where they started? That is one of the several predicaments in the story â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†by Afro American writer Lorraine Hansberry. The story takes place in Chicago during the late 1950’s the civil rights era, and the most prevalent question is what makes an African American different to any other person. The story dives deep into what that is through the use of money, as the family who is generally poor finds themselves with money toRead MoreThe House On Mango Street2609 Words  | 11 Pagescompassionate when her father Atticus Finch defends African-American Tom Robinson against a white woman. Growing up on Mango Street, an impoverished neighborhood of Chicago, Esperanza faces being a poor, colored girl in a world meant for rich, white men. The girls must learn to overcome the classist, racist, and sexist societies surrounding them as they come-of-age. Scout and Esperanza learn to understand and overcome the hypocrisy in racial and gender standards; however, Scout learns to understand others’ perspectivesRead MoreLorraine Hansberrys Raisin In The Sun1883 Words  | 8 PagesOver 5 decades ago Lorraine Hansberry wrote a play, Raisin in the Sun, about a family living in Chicago during the Civil Rights Era. The play illustrates a realistic portrait of African-American life during the late 50’s early 60’s. The family comes into some money as a result of the Patriarch of the family passing away. This insurance check presents an opportunity for each member of the family to realize their dreams in order to escape the ghetto. However, each family member/character deals
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Trend Analysis of Financial Statements †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Trend Analysis of Financial Statements. Answer: Introduction This report is presented to demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of accounting and financial reporting over the company. As ASX listed company, Blackmores financial statements are evaluated with reference to financial reporting. Information is presented in reliable and transparent manner to represent the actual financial performance of company. It also includes the financial ratios analysis to support the efficiency of financial statement which creates a clear picture for the performance of business. Slide 1: Accounting and Financial Reporting Slide 2: Table of Content Slide 3: Presentation Introduction Slide 4: Company Background: Blackmores Blackmores limited is the one of the top brands in the category of the natural health in Australia. It deals in various products such as minerals, herbal, vitamin and nutritional supplements. It provides more than 250 varieties of vitamin, herbal, minerals and nutritional supplements. Maurice Blackmore established the Blackmores limited in 1930 (Blackmores (2017). The headquarter of Blackmores limited is in New South Wales, Australia. The Blackmores limited manages its business in various countries such as China, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Korea, Cambodia, United States, and Macau. Since last 8 years, the Blackmores has been winning most trusted brand in the Australia for vitamins and supplements. Slide 5: Company Background Share price is also indicator for the financial performance of the company based on the trend in the stock price and the management decisions the stake holders decide to stay or exit from an investment. The good profits results to increase in the share price of a company on the other side it can be said that high share price of a company indicated increased profits of the company. From year 2013 to year 2015 the company was performing average due to several takeover decisions. But its profits increased suddenly in 2015-16 due to its entry in Asian market. So the share price is at peak of AUD $217.18 in this period of time and the decisions of the management is having direct impact on the share performance as stakeholders depends on the financial and accounting information of a company (BKL AU, 2017). Slide 6: Financial Performance Evaluation of Blackmores From the observation of balance sheet, it can be stated that there is a huge difference between the asset of 2016 and 2015 as AUS$2,94,624 and AUS$1,87,844 which can influence the decisions of stakeholders. On the other hand, current liabilities of company is measured as AUS$2,53,430 in year 2016 which can also a point that the liabilities over the companies are also increasing that also have adverse impact over the stakeholders to judge the stability of company in perspective market. On the other hand, the liabilities and assets both are increasing with huge turn so, it can be derived that the market capture strategy brought the impact over the financial data of Blackmore. In terms of equity, it can be inferences that reserve funding of business has reduced from AUS$8063 to AUS$5252 M. On the other side it is also assessed that the total equity of company has also increased with reference to year 2015 to 2016. Further, over the income statement observation, it can be said that the sales of company has jumped in turbulent manner. With this, net revenue for the Blackmore has also increased so it shows the satisfactory performance for the stakeholders to take the affirmative decisions. Profit and loss data indicates the good performance of company in year 2016 as compare to 2015. It is also reviewed that the income tax burden over the company has increased as it might taken the loan from the financial institutions; it can affect the position of company adversely. Slide 7: Financial Performance Contd. Over the looking of cash flow, it is captured that good amount of cash has been generated from the operating activities but most of it would be adjusted in the payment of employees and suppliers. On the other hand, the investing and financing activities have generated negative cash flow over the year 2016. It is positively noted that cash and cash equilent has also been generate at lower rate as AUS$2191 and increased up to the AUS$37653. Overall, it has generated $100 million profit for the financial year 2016 and it has stumbled the growth as 115% in relation to last financial year performance. These data are indicating the good financial position left out interest on activities. Along with this the, market cap values for the company has also tapped as AUS$1,757,380,000 which is also experienced the significant market capture at this time. On the basis of above performance, it is reviewed that the shareholders equity has increased with rapid changes. At the same time, the gear ratio has dumped in year 2015 but the year 2016 has experiencing good positive reflection over geared ratio of Blackmore as the figures are indicating. Slide 8: Financial Performance Contd. The above cited graph is indicating the gearing ratio of Blackmore as it had downward in year 2015 where, it was above 40 and it got down by 10 which is not good for the company. As the movement of ratio from the year 2016 it is upward which signs the increasing movement of companys gearing performance ratio. Slide 9: Measurement of Key Factors Impact of Convention over Accounting: Accounting conventions have significant impact over the accounting assessment as it influences by its rules and regulations of standards to follow while creating financial report of performance of business. Assets is influenced by the conventions as the company has shown the higher assets that it can create challenges for the stakeholders to found the actual asset for company as Blackmores has shown huge difference between the asset of 2015 and 2016 which can affect the management also to present the evidence to the financial reporting authority in order to prove the asset management. At the same time, the shareholders and owners equity should be separate from the business transactions. In concern to the convention, management should produce the real and reliable information for the external stakeholders to intake decision while investing in business because the data derives the real picture for the performance of business (Needles, et. al, 2013). At the same time, owners equity should be treated separately from the business to assess the position of business. Along with this, the convention of consistency should be taken into accounting while preparing the financial statements as it essential to follow the principles and procedure to present the accounting information in effective manner. Managerial Judgment: Materiality convention is directly linked to the management judgment that enforces the accountant management to consider the standard while assessing and presenting the information in real manner. Relevance of Information: It is important to consider the relevancy of information with the performance of business as the shown graph indicates about the significant performance of business, it should be related to the exact information because it might dilutes the stakeholders such as sales of business has increased (V. 2011). Faithful Presentation: Faithful presentation of financial performance leads to the reliability of companys presence in perspective market. So, following the accounting standards, it should not make any error and omission to evaluating the viability of company. Slide 10: Financial Ratio Analysis Profitability ratios: These types of ratios indicate the financial performance of company with respect to the sales of company and how much profit is generated by firm. Financial ratio analysis is as follows Gross Profit Margin =Gross Profit/Revenue (Tracy, 2012) = 143411/599485*100 = 23.92% Net Profit Ratio= Net profit/ Revenue = 100020/599485*100 = 16.67% Efficiency ratios: This financial ratio measures the efficiency of company to manage the differentiation ratio that predicts the cost of goods sold and average inventory Inventory Turnover = Cost of Sales/Average Inventory = 272917/47852 = 5.70% Total Asset Turnover = Net Sales Average Total Assets (Brigham and Houston, 2012) = 495468/363715 = 1.36% Liquidity ratios: Liquidity of firm is assessed over the current ratio and quick ratio evaluation. Assess the ability of the firm to manage working capital and its ability to pay its short-term debts without running. Current ratio = Current asset/Current Liability = 294,624 / 192,279 = 1.53% Acid test ratio = Current asset Inventories / Current Liabilities = 294624-116,486/192279 = 0.93% (Drake and Fabozzi, 2012) Gearing ratios: Assess the long-term capital structure of the business Debt ratio = Total debt/Total asset = 17,793/434,023 = 0.041 Equity ratio = Shareholders funds/Total asset = 1,78,263/434023 = 0.41 or 41% In terms of the relative quantities of debt and equity capital Investor ratios: This type of ratio indicates the shareholders about the performance of company to equate the debt to equity and market debt of company within specific time duration. Earnings per share (EPS) = Net income Preferred dividends/Share issued outstanding = 100,020 6285 /17225 = 5.44 Price-Earnings Ratio = Market Price per Share Earnings per Share = 119.57/5.76 =20.72% The above analyzed ratio indicates the good financial position of company over the performance of Blackmores in year 2016 as compare to the year 2015. In concerned to the horizontal analysis of company, it is presented to measure the financial performance of company with reference the Bellamy's Australia Limited which also deals in the consumer staples (Businessinsider, 2017). Over the comparison of horizontal analysis of Blackmore and Bellamy, it can be concluded that the both of companies are growing with rapid growth after year 2016 and triggered the sales above AUS$100 million. Financial statements are comparing in relation to the performance of businesses (Accontingformanagement., 2017). Over the income statement analysis, the Blackmores has shown the historical growth in the year 2016 as compare to Bellamy, it earned AUS$100 million and the net profit of comparative company is very lower for the same year. Conclusion It is concluded that companies needs investments from shareholders and investors. Stakeholders depend upon the financial reporting and financial steps of a company so it becomes vital for the companies to have transparency and full disclosure of information. Following accounting standards and principles will results to build trust and confidence of the all related factors towards the companies. References Accountingformanagement, (2017). Horizontal or trend analysis of financial statements. Available at: (Accessed: August 25, 2017). Annualreports, (2016). Annual Report of BELLAMYS 2016. Available at: (Accessed: August 25, 2017). BKL AU (2017). Bloomberg markets. Retrieved from: Black mores (2016). Annual report 2016. Retrieved From: Blackmores (2017). About us. Retrieved from: Brigham, E. and Houston, J. (2012). Fundamentals of Financial Management. USA: Cengage Learning. Businessinsider, (2017) 2 ways to analyze an income statement. Available at: (Accessed: August 25, 2017). Drake, P. and Fabozzi, F. (2012). Analysis of Financial Statements. UK: John Wiley and Sons. Needles, B., Powers, M. and Crosson, D. (2013). Principles of Accounting. USA: Cengage Learning. Tracy, A. (2012). Ratio Analysis Fundamentals: How 17 Financial Ratios Can Allow You to Analyze Any Business on the Planet. USA: RatioAnalysis.Net. R. (2011). Financial Accounting. India: Pearson Education.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Merger nd acquisition conclusion free essay sample
One size doesnt fit all. Many companies find that the best way to get ahead is to expand ownership boundaries through mergers and acquisitions. For others, separating the public ownership of a subsidiary or business segment offers more advantages. At least in theory, mergers create synergies and economies of scale, expanding operations and cutting costs. Investors can take comfort in the idea that a merger will deliver enhanced market power. By contrast, de-merged companies often enjoy improved operating performance thanks to redesigned management incentives. Additional capital can fund growth organically or through acquisition. Meanwhile, investors benefit from the improved information flow from de-merged companies. MA comes in all shapes and sizes, and investors need to consider the complex issues involved in MA. The most beneficial form of equity structure involves a complete analysis of the costs and benefits associated with the deals. Lets recap what we learned in this tutorial. We will write a custom essay sample on Merger nd acquisition conclusion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A merger can happen when two companies decide to combine into one entity or when one company buys another. An acquisition always involves the purchase of one company by another. The functions of synergy allow for the enhanced cost efficiency of a new entity made from two smaller ones synergy is the logic behind mergers and acquisitions. Acquiring companies use various methods to value their targets. Some of these methods are based on comparative ratios such as the P/E and P/S ratios replacement cost or discounted cash flow analysis. An MA deal can be executed by means of a cash transaction, stock-for-stock transaction or a combination of both. A transaction struck with stock is not taxable. Break up or de-merger strategies can provide companies with opportunities to raise additional equity funds, unlock hidden shareholder value and sharpen management focus. De-mergers can occur by means of divestitures, carve-outs spinoffs or tracking stocks. Mergers can fail for many reasons including a lack of management foresight, the inability to overcome practical challenges and loss of revenue momentum from a neglect of day-to-day operations.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Utilizing Solution Focused Brief Therapy with Domestic Violence Survivors Essay Example For Students
Utilizing Solution Focused Brief Therapy with Domestic Violence Survivors Essay Introduction Domestic violence is one of the most pressing issues facing social workers today. It occurs between individuals of all ages and nationalities, at all socioeconomic levels, and in families from all types of religious and non-religious backgrounds (Straus Gelles, 1990; Carter McGoldrick, 1999). Domestic violence remains a significant social and public health problem affecting not just the couple but the entire family as well. Increased parental conflict negatively impacts children’s academic, behavioral and social-emotional functioning and the parents’ well being (Carlson, 2000; Carter McGoldrick, 1999; Lyon, 1998). The overall rate of incident has been found to be similar for city, suburban, and rural communities (Straus Gelles, 1990). According to Carter and McGoldrick (1999), violence is a widespread occurrence in families throughout the life cycle in our society as it is in all other patriarchal cultures. The World Health Organization (2002) cited a study brought together population surveys in 48 countries, which indicated that 10-69% of women reported experiencing physical violence from a male partner at some stage in their life. In the United States, approximately 4. million acts of physical or sexual violence are perpetrated against women; while 2. 9 million physically aggressive acts are committed against men each year (Straus Gelles, 1990). The Population Domestic Violence is the most widespread form of violence in the United States and is the major cause of injury to women. In the United States a woman is beaten every nine seconds (Kosof, 1995). According to the first major study of battered women, conducted in 1976, women experienced physical assault in nearly one third of all American families (Kosof, 1995). We will write a custom essay on Utilizing Solution Focused Brief Therapy with Domestic Violence Survivors specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Every year, an estimated three to four million women in the United States were beaten in their homes by a husband, ex-husband, or male lover (Kosof, 1995). Twenty percent of hospital emergency room visits by women are due to battering. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in Atlanta, a woman is in nine time’s more likely to be a victim of a violent act in her own home than on the streets (Kosof, 1995). In the same manner, more than fifty percent of all women killed in the United States are killed by their male partners (Kosof, 1995). According to the American Medical Association, certain groups of women are at higher risk for becoming victims of abuse (Kosof, 1995). These include women who: are single, separated or divorced (or planning a separation or divorce), are between the ages of 17 and 28, abuse alcohol and/or other drugs or whose partners do, are pregnant, and have partners who are excessively jealous or possessive. Domestic Violence is a silent epidemic that occurs in all socioeconomic, ethnic, cultural, racial and religious groups. These statistics are frightening, and so too is the life of the person who has been battered or is being battered. The Ecological Perspective According to the ecology of human development an individual is not seen as a passive, static, and isolated entity on which the environment exerts great influence, but as a dynamic and evolving being that interacts with, and thereby restructures, the many environments with which it comes into contact (Gardner Kosmitzki, 2008). The ecological model offers a broad-based conceptualization of domestic violence that takes into account the complex interactions between the individual, the family, the community, and societal risk factors. For example, at the individual level, factors that can increase the level of risk to the victim include substance abuse, unemployment, and poverty, history of abuse as a child, isolated from friends and/or family, and mental or physical disability. These factors increase the likelihood of domestic abuse. However, other factors may be protective and reduce the level of risk to the victim, which include: the victim’s abilities to cope, cognitive abilities, and the presence of social supports or affectionate family ties (Holden Nabors, 1999). In the same manner, in relation to the ecological framework family factors would refer to the processes in the family such as family environment, family interaction, family stressors, and parenting skills. Family stress in conjunction with financial difficulties, chronic poverty and unemployment is one major area that could overwhelm a family’s capacity to function. The stresses and strains of socioeconomic hardship are associated with higher rates of domestic violence (Kaufman Kantor Straus, 1999). Community factors refer to the community in which the family lives, the peer groups of the family members, the formal and informal supports, the availability of jobs, the availability and access to community services (i. e. transportation, mental health services, health care, shelters). Increased levels of neighborhood crime and family poverty can impact and increase the risk and co-occurrence of domestic violence and child maltreatment (Andrews, 1996). At the societal level, the established laws and policies in relations to domestic violence may in fact fail to protect the victim and consequently re-victimize her. For example, domestic violence victims are increasingly being charged for â€Å"failure to protect†even when the partner is abusing the child and the mother (Beeman, Hagemeister, Edelson, 1999). .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab , .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab .postImageUrl , .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab , .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab:hover , .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab:visited , .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab:active { border:0!important; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab:active , .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8a9b9bda2dabb51bff90ea8f43e2d7ab:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Common Themes In Short Stories EssayIn addition, some states have considered legislation that makes a child’s witnessing of domestic violence a form of criminal abuse (Beeman, Hagemeister Edelson, 1999) and, consequently a reason to remove the child from the home. Finally, due to mandatory arrest laws, dual arrests in domestic violence cases have significantly increased. As a direct result, perpetrators and victims may be treated as indistinguishable and battered women can suffer the same consequences as the batterer (Lyon, 1998). Treatment Approach Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), also know as Solution-Focused Therapy, Solution-Building Practice therapy was developed by Steve de Shazer (1940-2005), and Insoo Kim Berg (1934-2007) and their colleagues beginning in the late 1970’s in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As the name suggests, SFBT is future-focused, goal-directed, and focuses on solutions, rather than on the problems. Solution-Focused Therapy operates within a conceptual framework that views people living and creating new narratives about their lives that extend beyond their problem-focused ones. (Cooper Lesser, 2008). It represents a systematic, strengths-based collaborative approach to support individuals, couples, or families. Due to the fact that these systems are interrelated (whether they are individuals within the family or the individual’s personal emotions, cognitions, or behaviors) changes within one-domain effects the other. SFBT conducts the same process regardless of the issues or problems that the individual client brings to therapy. SFBT is an approach that focuses on how clients change, rather than one which focuses on diagnosing and treating problems (Corsini Wedding, 2008). As such it uses the language of change. The signature questions used in solution-focused interviews are intended to set-up a therapeutic process wherein social workers listen for and absorb clients’ words and meanings (regarding what is important to clients, what they want, and related successes), then formulate and ask the next question by connecting to clients’ key words and phrases, continue to listen and absorb as clients again answer from their frames of reference, and once again formulate and ask the next question by similarly connecting. It is through this process of listening, absorbing, connecting, and client responding that social workers and clients together co-construct new and altered meanings that build toward solutions. The major components of SFBT include: (1) Developing a cooperative therapeutic alliance with the client; (2) Creating a solution versus problem focus; (3) Setting measurable and changeable goals; (4) Focusing on the future, through future oriented questions and discussions; (5) Scaling the ongoing attainment of the goals to get the client’s evaluation of the progress made; (6) Focusing the conversation on exceptions to the client’s problems, especially those exceptions related to what they want different, and encouraging them to do more of what they did to make the exceptions happen. According to Trepper, et. al. (2006) the main interventions utilized with SFBT are as follows: (1) A positive, collegial, solution-focused stance; (2) Looking for previous solutions; (3) Looking for exceptions; (4) Questions versus directive or interpretations; (5) Present and future-focused questions versus past-orientated focus; (6) Compliments; and Gentle nudging to do more of what is working. The specific interventions utilized are (1) Pre-session change; (2) (3) Solution-focused goals; (4) The Miracle Question; and (4) Scaling Questions. Implementing SFBT with Domestic Violence Survivors The ultimate goal of the Social Worker to provide a therapeutic context for domestic violence female survivors to re-discover and re-connect with their own resourcefulness in resisting, avoiding, escaping, and fighting against the abuse, develop a vision of a life free of violence, and empower to re-experience their personal power in bringing positive changes in their lives (Lee, 2007). This approach adopts different assumptions and methods in assisting the female survivors to achieve these ends. Rather than building the treatment strategies upon understanding the problem of violence, SFBT suggests a positive change in clients that can occur by focusing on solutions, strengths, and competencies instead of focusing on problems, deficits and pathology (Lee, 2007). The initial step of optimizing the success of solution-focused therapy is based on the Social Worker’s ability to recognize and respect the client’s strengths, abilities, and accomplishments (Lee, 2007). During treatment with a DV survivor, the Social Worker can utilize different questions to assist the client to construct solution patters that does not subject her to violence and abuse in intimate relationships. Exception questions refer to times when the problem is either absent, less intense, or dealt with in a manner that is acceptable to the client. These questions can focus on the times when the client is better able to protect her and to resist, avoid, escape and fight against violence. Outcome questions can be used to assist the client in establishing goals for herself. .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 , .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 .postImageUrl , .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 , .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931:hover , .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931:visited , .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931:active { border:0!important; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931:active , .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931 .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8a892682bd58604762ce052e32383931:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Volcano Mount Vesuvius EssayOutcome questions ask the client to state goals in a positive manner rather than in the negative. In the same manner, coping questions assist the client in recognizing her resources in times of turmoil. Coping questions ask the client to talk about how she manages to survive and cope with the problems. The Social Worker must be careful to focus the question on how the client copes with the abuse because these questions may potentially collude with and therefore, run the danger of reinforcing the abuse. The scaling questions ask the client to rank their situation and/or goal on a scale of 1-10, with 1 representing the worst scenario and 10 representing the most desirable outcome (Lee, 2007). These questions are a simple tool for the client to quantify and evaluate her situation and progress so that she can establish clear indicators of change for herself. Relationship questions ask the client how her significant others are reacting to her problem and solution finding progress. Establishment of multiple indicators of change empowers the client to develop a clear vision of a desired future appropriate to her real-life context. Finally, SFBT utilizes task assignment or homework to help the client identify exception behaviors to the problem for which they are encouraged to â€Å"do more of what works†Conclusion In conclusion, the SFBT techniques encourage the client to be curious about her behaviors and potentials and identify, expand, amplify and reinforce solution-oriented behaviors. The Social Worker begins the therapeutic process by understanding the client’s unique experience of her life situation and battering experience. The Social Worker orients the client find solutions for her concerns. While understanding the client’s construction of her situation, the Social Worker, concurrently asks solution-oriented questions to assess risk and mental health status of the client. Utilizing outcome questions, the Social Worker helps the client establish specific, concrete, goals that are stated as desirable behaviors. The Social Worker continually asks exception, outcome, coping, relationship, and scaling questions to assist the client to construct an alternative reality that does not contain violence in her intimate relationships. The Social Worker then compliments the client on any of her positive behaviors and suggestions that are conductive to her self-defined goals. Effectively utilizing these techniques the Social Worker can achieve the ultimate goal of therapyâ€â€empowerment of the client. References Andrews, A. B. (1996). Developing community systems for the primary prevention of family violence. Family and Community Health, 16(4), 1-9. Beeman, S. K. , Hagemeister, A. K. , Y Edelson, J. L. (1999). Child protection and battered women’s services: From conflict to collaboration. Child Maltreatment, 4(2), 116-126. Carlson, B. E. (2000). Children exposed to intimate partner violence: Research findings and implications for intervention. Trauma, Violence Abuse, 1(4), 321-342. Carter, B. , McGoldrick, M. (Eds. ). (1999). The expanded family life cycle individual, family, and social perspectives (3rd ed. ). Boston: Allyn Bacon. Cooper, M. Lesser, J. (2008). Clinical social work practice: An integrated approach (3rd ed. ). Massachusetts: Ally Bacon. Corsini, R. J. Wedding, D. (2008). Current psychotherapies (8th Ed. ) Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole. Gardner, H. W. Kosmitzki, C. (2008). Lives across cultures: Cross cultural human development (4th edition). Boston, MA: Person/Allyn Bacon. Holden, W. E. , Nabors, L. (1999). The prevention of child neglect. In H. Dubowitz (Ed). Neglected children: Research, practice and policy (pp. 174-190). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Kaufman Kantor, G. , Straus, M. A. (1999, December). Report on the USAF Family Needs Screener. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. Kosof, A. (1995). Battered women living with the enemy. New York: Franklin Watts. Lyon, T. D. (1998). Are battered women bad mothers? In H. Dubowitz (Ed. ), Neglected children, Research, practice and policy (pp. 237-260). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Lee, M. Y. (2007). Discovering strengths and competencies in female domestic violence survivors: An application of Roberts’ continuum of the duration and severity of women battering. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 7(2), 102-114. Solution –Focused Brief therapy from a global context. (2003). Retrieved November 10, 2008 from http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=tz4-Dj6sguw. Straus, M. A. , Gelles, R. J. (Eds. ). (1990). Physical violence in the American families: Risk factors and adaptation to family violence in 8,145 families. New Jersey: Transaction. Trepper, T. S. , Dolan, Y. , McCollum, T. N. (2006). Steve De Shazer and the future of solution-focused therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 32, 133-139. The Urban Child Institute. (2008). Family Violence Community Resource Guide. World Health Organization. (2002). World report on violence and health: Summary. Geneva: Author. Running Head: SFBT with DV Survivors 08 Utilizing Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Survivors of Domestic Violence Teresa Franklin, MS, MBA A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of SW562â€â€Evidence Based Practice with Adult Individuals Sarah Hamil, LCSW, RPT-S, ATR-BC 7 SFBT with DV Survivors
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Meaning of Other in Sociology
The Meaning of Other in Sociology In classical sociology, other is a concept in the study of social life through which we define relationships. We encounter two distinct types of others in relation to ourselves. Significant Other A â€Å"significant other†is someone about whom we have some degree of specific knowledge and thus we pay attention to what we perceive to be his or her personal thoughts, feelings or expectations. In this case, significant does not mean that the person is important, and it doesnt refer to the common parlance of a romantic relationship. Archie O. Haller, Edward L. Fink, and Joseph Woelfel of the University of Wisconsin performed the first scientific research and measurements of the influence of significant others on individuals. Haller, Fink, and Woelfel surveyed 100 adolescents in Wisconsin and measured their educational and occupational aspirations while also identifying the group of other individuals who interacted with the students and were mentors for them. Then they measured the impact of the significant others and their expectations for the teens educational possibilities. The results found that the expectations of the significant had the single most powerful influence on the students own aspirations. Generalized Other The second type of other is the â€Å"generalized other,†which we experience primarily as an abstract social status and the role that goes with it. It was developed by George Herbert Mead as a core concept in his discussion of the social genesis of the self. According to Mead, the self lives in an individuals ability to account for himself as a social being. This also requires a person to account for the role of the other as well as how his or her actions could affect a group. The generalized other represents the collection of roles and attitudes that people use as a reference to figure out how to behave in any particular situation. According to Mead: Selves develop in social contexts as people learn to take the roles of their consociates such that they can with a fair degree of accuracy predict how one set of actions is likely to generate fairly predictable responses. People develop these capacities in the process of interacting with one another, sharing meaningful symbols, and developing and using language to create, refine, and assign meanings to social objects (including themselves). For people to engage in complex and intricate social processes, they have to develop a sense of expectationsthe rules, roles, norms, and understanding that make responses predictable and understandable. When you learn these rules as distinct from others, the aggregate comprises a generalized other. Examples of the Other A significant other: We might know that the corner grocery store clerk likes children or does not like it when people ask to use the restroom. As an â€Å"other,†this person is significant in that we pay attention not only to what grocers are generally like, but also what we know about this particular grocer. A generalized other: When we enter a grocery store without any knowledge of the grocer, our expectations are based only on knowledge of grocers and customers in general and what is usually supposed to take place when they interact. Thus when we interact with this grocer, our only basis for knowledge is the generalized other.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Market Competitiveness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Market Competitiveness - Research Paper Example The study will assess the relation between market competitiveness and organization pay system. It will help the organizations that are incapable to pay competitive salaries to its employees due to inadequate financial resources. Employee compensation is a key aspect in order to determine the market and industry competitiveness of a business. On the other hand, employee compensation also determines the productivity and effectiveness of an employee. As the salaries and wages contribute significantly to the income of employees therefore, the comfort, emotion, health and physical wellbeing of people is very much dependent on it. This has the insinuation that, firms that are unable to pay competitive salaries to their employees it may result struggling, less healthy and stressed up life of workers. It will affect the competitiveness of the company. Therefore, it can be said that less market unable to pay employee compensation may result less market competitiveness of organizations and less productivity of employees. Several level of employee compensation may also manipulate the employees’ behavior and attitude towards their organization and specific jobs. Lowly paid employees lean to show negative attitude toward their job as they are less motivated. These will definitely affect the productivity of employees that will negatively impact on the performance of the organization. Talented and skilled employees are basically more productive. It will save several training and orientation cost of organization. It also entails that the organizations that find it difficult to present attractive compensation will barely attract these experienced, talented and skilled employees. The organizations with limited financial resource can employ a key strategy in order to improve compensation of employees is bonus compensation system or performance based compensation system. It will allow the employees to be compensated appropriately
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